NRL Victoria COVID-19 Update – 29 May 2020
NRL Victoria confirms that training can return for its member clubs and affiliates. This follows an update that was provided to its member clubs and affiliates on 27 May after distributing guidelines about returning to train.
Yesterday, the 28th May 2020, signalled the return to the NRL competition and whilst recent government announcements mean that community Rugby League is permitted to commence training in Victoria, no date has yet been set for NRL Victoria competition to return.
To comply with government restrictions, conditions for being able to conduct Rugby League training include:
“Get In, Train, Get Out” philosophy.
Outdoor only
NO CONTACT – includes no games of touch or tag; no handshakes, hugs, fist bumps, etc.
Participants must maintain minimum 1.5m distance
No equipment to be used except for balls and markers
Groups of 20 are permitted from Monday 1 June
Maximum of 2 groups per Rugby League playing field within clear designated zones
No use of clubrooms permitted – only public toilets permitted to be used
No loitering or socialising
Hygiene practises as specified in the NRL Victoria guidelines for training
At this stage there is no confirmed returned date for competition. This will be dependent on any future government announcements on restrictions. At such time when announcement is made for restrictions to be eased for competition play, NRL Victoria will collaborate with the NRL Victoria Advisory Panel on prospective competition structures and provide updates to the community.
NRL Victoria welcomes the announcement that agreement has been reached by Cricket Victoria and AFL Victoria which provides a framework to which allocation of sporting facilities for winter sports can used for longer than usual season length. This will assist in conducting fuller competitions than otherwise could be expected under current circumstances.
Please note that NRL Victoria office remains closed and is operating on reduced staff.
NRL Victoria remains grateful to everyone’s patience and support, and acknowledges the communication efforts clubs are making to keep its members connected during these times. We remain positive and continue to look forward.
Kind regards,
Brent Silva
NRL Victoria – General Manager