2023 SG Ball and Jersey Flegg Squad Trials

Jersey Flegg
Player nomination form for 2023 Victorian Thunderbolts U21s Jersey Flegg.
This form is an EOI form for players born in 2002 and 2003 who would like to trial for 2023 Victoria Thunderbolts Jersey Flegg squad. Trial will take place on 17th September, 2022. Venue will be confirmed and sent to successful applicants. Nominations close COB September 10, 2022.
https://forms.office.com/r/hAKtQ4yzjH If you have any questions, please contact Tim Auremi via email tauremi@nrl.com.au.
SG Ball
Player nomination form for 2023 Victorian Thunderbolts U19s SG Ball
This form is an EOI form for players born in 2004 and 2005 who would like to trial for 2023 Victoria Thunderbolts SG Ball Squad. Trial will take place on 17th September, 2022. Venue will be confirmed and sent to successful applicants. Nominations close COB September 10, 2022.
https://forms.office.com/r/CQ1zkrTfZ9 If you have any questions, please contact Tim Auremi via email tauremi@nrl.com.au.