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Masters returns in 2023

Masters will be returning in Victoria in 2023, however, in a slightly different model with NRL Victoria to coordinate the Metro Masters Gala Days this season.

Vic Stormers had the following message on their Facebook page,

"Moving forward from 2023 onwards we are going to shift our focus to more stand alone events both regional and metro, larger festivals that we can invite our Masters Community at Local, National and International levels.

We totally believe that NRL Victoria taking the reigns on the Metro Masters Gala Days is an outstanding result as it ensures that the Masters Space is recognised as a vital part of the Rugby League ecosystem in Victoria and the NRL is willing to back that.

Although ultimately that's how it should be, please don't take that for granted. NRL Victoria will be one of the only if not the only State that is bringing the Masters games into core business. A credit to their vision and our partnership."

NRL Victoria will charge a team fee which will cover the entire run of Metro Masters Magic Rounds we coordinate including:

- Sunday 7th May

- Sunday 4th June

- Sunday 9th July

- Sunday 6th August

That fee will be a nominal amount of $150 per team which covers entry for all of the 4 Magic Rounds (you only pay this once).

Players will still register individually to MySideline (the Masters portal) to ensure they are covered by insurance prior to taking the field.

Clubs who enter are asked will also be asked to indicate their willingness to host.

The Kelly Country Masters are also set to still go ahead, currently scheduled for Saturday 14th October in Glenrowan.

If clubs would like to get involved in Masters in 2023 or require more information please contact Angus Street or Scott McNaughton by Friday 14th of April.

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