Welcome back to all NRL Victoria Clubs for a return to Club Rugby League Fixtures. We are hoping to have a clear run to finals, and we wish every team the best of luck tomorrow.
Please see below COVID restrictions for all competition events tomorrow;
Note that all clubs first and foremost must comply with facility owner’s requirements, including provisions of COVID Safe Plan.
Electronic record keeping using the Victorian Government approved QR Code system is mandatory at all facilities.
Outdoor density quotient of 1 person per 4 square meters
Maximum capacity of 300 people at the venue at any one time – participants and people required to operate participation safely (coaches, sports trainers, referees, ground managers, etc.) not included in this limit
Group limits are exempt for community sport but all other conditions must be adhered to.
Spectators are NOT permitted but 1 parent/guardian (and any dependant of same) is permitted to attend for Child Safety purposes
Training (outdoor)
no group size limit BUT group must be from same team/squad
multiple groups permitted train at same venue so long as significant spacing between training areas define each group (recommend minimum 10 meters between edge of each groups training area clearly marked with cones/ropes, etc.)
o Face masks MUST be worn indoors at all times
o Maximum capacity of 100 in entire pavilion at one time (counted within total capacity of venue of 300)
o Density quotient of 1 person per 4 square meters in any indoor space.
o Canteen/kiosk permitted to operate in line with hospitality advice. Clubs will need to adhere to hospitality guidelines for reopening of canteens. The hospitality guidelines can be found by clicking here
Use/carrying of face masks as per government requirements